The Either data type as an alternative to throwing exceptions
Published: April 22, 2020
Exceptions are a mainstay of programming languages. They are commonly used to handle anomalous or exceptional conditions that require special processing, breaking out of the normal flow of the application. Some languages, such as C++ or Java, use them liberally. But not every language follows that design. C# or Kotlin don't have . Others, such as Go and Rust don't even have Ìýat all.
I find code that throws an exception every time something unexpected happens hard to understand and more difficult to maintain. In this article, I want to talk about using the
I want to talk about the latter. While not being part of the happy path, you still have to decide what to do whenever it happens. Moving the error handling out of the regular code and into some external handler makes it less explicit, as you can only see part of the implementation at a glance. You need more context to understand what's going on.Ìý
In essence, exceptions are hidden
If we don't handle the exception, it will bubble up until our API returns a 500 error to the caller. We don't want that.
A typical pattern in the ecosystem to use an exception handler. You put this method in the controller and it catches exceptions that happen in the chain of calls to services and APIs. Our caller then gets the error formatted the way we want.
If we dig into the implementation of the
As previously mentioned, Kotlin doesn’t have . As a consequence, however, the signature of
1. The
2. The signature of the method should reflect that an error might happen.
We could use a ;
In our case,
We can create a simple implementation using . We’ll see below how that can be combined with a
Let's rewrite our code to make use of
Note that we’re still using the exception class to signal an error, but we aren’t throwing it anymore. Representing that exception as a sealed class can make handling all the possible errors easier for the client, as you can be sure that every condition has been accounted for.
This ensures that no more exceptions are thrown. Instead, the method’s returning a
We can use a
This is equivalent to using the functional method. You provide a result for both possible values, thus folding it.
We need to extend
We want to apply a function to our value contained inside the
We’re still missing one case to cover. What if the operation we want to apply returns an
If you want to dig deeper into these functional concepts, checkÌýarticle.
One interesting feature of Arrow is that it provides its own flavor of the , a way of making chained operations on types less cumbersome. In Arrow that is referred to as .
A normal chain of operations could look like this:
We can get rid of the nested syntax, and make it look like this:
I find this easier to read, similar to the async/await syntax for JavaScript promises.
This class can't be used as a return type yet, so we can't use it for our interface. Moreover,
Making the code more explicit reduces the amount of context that you need to keep in your head, which in turn makes the code easier to understand. Kotlin, combined with Arrow, works beautifully to enable this approach with a lightweight syntax that brings concepts from the functional world in a way that is easy and convenient to use.
I find code that throws an exception every time something unexpected happens hard to understand and more difficult to maintain. In this article, I want to talk about using the
data type as an alternative way of dealing with error conditions. I will be using Kotlin for my examples, as I feel the syntax is easy to follow. These concepts are not unique to Kotlin however. Any language that supports functional programming can implement them, one way or the other.Ìý
Different types of errors
When using exceptions you have to differentiate between the origin of the error, as they are not all equal. Some errors such asNullPointerException
, or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
indicate bugs. Other errors are part of the business logic. For instance, a validation failing, an expired authentication token, or a record not being present in the database.I want to talk about the latter. While not being part of the happy path, you still have to decide what to do whenever it happens. Moving the error handling out of the regular code and into some external handler makes it less explicit, as you can only see part of the implementation at a glance. You need more context to understand what's going on.Ìý
In essence, exceptions are hidden
statements, which are widely considered a . The flow of the program is broken whenever an exception occurs. You land on an unknown point up in the call chain. Reasoning about the flow becomes harder, and it is more likely that you will forget to consider all the possible scenarios.Ìý
What does this usually look like?
Let's use a backend service that provides a REST API as an example. A simple architecture looks like this: a thin controller calls a service, which in turn calls a third party API — this looks testable and straightforward. Until you start dealing with error conditions.If we don't handle the exception, it will bubble up until our API returns a 500 error to the caller. We don't want that.
A typical pattern in the ecosystem to use an exception handler. You put this method in the controller and it catches exceptions that happen in the chain of calls to services and APIs. Our caller then gets the error formatted the way we want.
@ExceptionHandler(JWTVerificationException::class) fun handleException(exception: JWTVerificationException): ResponseEntity<ErrorMessage> { ÌýÌýÌýÌýreturn ResponseEntity ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý.status(HttpStatus.BAD_GATEWAY) ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý.body(ErrorMessage.fromException(exception)) }Ìý
When exceptions make the flow harder to understand
Let's say that our service from the diagram above is going to verify . The idea is simple. We are getting a JWT as a string, and we want to know if it is a valid token. If so, we want to get specific properties that we will wrap in aTokenAuthentication
. This interface defines it:Ìý
interface Verifier { ÌýÌýÌýÌý/ ** ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý* @param jwt a jwt token ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý* @return authentication credentials ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý* / ÌýÌýÌýÌýfun verify(jwt: String): TokenAuthentication }Ìý
A signature that doesn’t quite tell the truth
If we dig into the implementation of the
, we will eventually find something like this:Ìý
/ ** Ìý* Perform the verification against the given Token Ìý* Ìý* @param token to verify. Ìý* @return a verified and decoded JWT. Ìý* @throws AlgorithmMismatchExceptionÌý Ìý* @throws SignatureVerificationException Ìý* @throws TokenExpiredException Ìý* @throws InvalidClaimException Ìý* / public DecodedJWT verifyByCallingExternalApi(String token);
As previously mentioned, Kotlin doesn’t have . As a consequence, however, the signature of
is lying to us! This method might throw an exception. The only way to discover what’s happening is by looking at the implementation. The fact that we have to inspect the implementation to pick this up is a sure sign that encapsulation is lacking.Ìý
The explicit approach
There are two things I want to change in theVerifier
implementation.1. The
method shouldn’t throw an exception.2. The signature of the method should reflect that an error might happen.
We could use a ;
would then return a TokenAuthentication?
. But it has a fatal flaw: We’re losing all the information about what actually went wrong. If there are different causes for the error, we want to keep that information.ÌýEnter
(dum dum dum...).Ìý
The Either data type
Before we talk aboutEither
, what do I mean by data type? A data type is an abstraction that encapsulates one reusable coding pattern.In our case,
is an entity whose value can be of two different types, called left and right. By convention, Right
is for the success case and Left
for the error one. It’s a common pattern in the . It allows us to express the fact that a call might return a correct value or an error, and differentiate between the two of them. The Left/Right
naming pattern is just a convention, though. It can help people who have used the nomenclature in existing libraries. You can use a different convention that makes more sense for your team, such as Error/Success
, for instance.We can create a simple implementation using . We’ll see below how that can be combined with a
expression to make the code cleaner and safer at the same time.Ìý
sealed class Either<out L, out R> { ÌýÌýÌýÌýdata class Left<out L, out R>(val a: L) : Either<L, R>() ÌýÌýÌýÌýdata class Right<out L, out R>(val b: R) : Either<L, R>() } fun <E> E.left() = Either.Left<E, Nothing>(this) fun <T> T.right() = Either.Right<Nothing, T>(this)
Let's rewrite our code to make use of
Adapting the interface
class now returns an Either
type to indicate that the computation might fail.Ìý
interface Verifier { ÌýÌýÌýÌý/ ** ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý* @param jwt a jwt token ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý* @return authentication credentials, or an error if the validation fails ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý* / ÌýÌýÌýÌýfun verify(jwt: String): Either<JWTVerificationException, TokenAuthentication> }
Note that we’re still using the exception class to signal an error, but we aren’t throwing it anymore. Representing that exception as a sealed class can make handling all the possible errors easier for the client, as you can be sure that every condition has been accounted for.
Wrapping the code that throws
Inside our implementation ofVerifier
, we’re wrapping the problematic code with an extension method called unsafeVerify
. We use the extension methods that we defined above to create both sides of an Either:
private fun JWTVerifier.unsafeVerify(jwt: String): Either<JWTVerificationException, TokenAuthentication> = try { ÌýÌýÌýÌýverifyByCallingExternalApi(jwt).right() } catch (e: JWTVerificationException) { ÌýÌýÌýÌýe.left() }
This ensures that no more exceptions are thrown. Instead, the method’s returning a
whenever the verification doesn’t succeed.Ìý
Using it as a client
The implementation is done. So how do we use this as a caller? We want to decide what to do based on whether the computation succeeded or not.We can use a
expression thanks to having defined our Either
as a sealed class.Ìý
val result = verifier.verify(jwt) when (result) { ÌýÌýÌýÌýis Either.Left -> ResponseEntity.badRequest().build() ÌýÌýÌýÌýis Either.Right -> ResponseEntity.ok("Worked!") }
This is equivalent to using the functional method. You provide a result for both possible values, thus folding it.
Operating on an Either value
I've just shown how to deal with anEither
based on its two possible values (left and right). However, we want to also operate on the value throughout our application without having to unwrap and rewrap it each time, as that makes the code hard to read again.We need to extend
with two new methods, map
and flatMap
. Let's start with map
fun <L, R, B> Either<L, R>.map(f: (R) -> B): Either<L, B> = when (this) { ÌýÌýÌýÌýis Either.Left -> this.a.left() ÌýÌýÌýÌýis Either.Right -> f(this.b).right() }
We want to apply a function to our value contained inside the
. Either is right biased, which means that once it becomes a Left
value (i.e: an error), further computations won't be applied. Coming back to our ‘unsafeVerify
method, we want to convert the result of that call, which we'll do thanks to our new map
verifier ÌýÌýÌýÌý.unsafeVerify(jwt) ÌýÌýÌýÌý.map { it.asToken() }
We’re still missing one case to cover. What if the operation we want to apply returns an
itself? If we use map, we'll return an Either
of an Either
, nesting types until it's impossible to use anymore. To prevent that, we'll add a new method, flatMap
fun <L, R, B> Either<L, R>.flatMap(f: (R) -> Either<L, B>): Either<L, B> = when (this) { ÌýÌýÌýÌýis Either.Left -> this.a.left() ÌýÌýÌýÌýis Either.Right -> f(this.b) }
If you want to dig deeper into these functional concepts, checkÌýarticle.
The arrow library
I provided a simple implementation ofEither
as an example. A better idea is to use an existing implementation. The excellent includes an Either
type, among many other functional goodies.One interesting feature of Arrow is that it provides its own flavor of the , a way of making chained operations on types less cumbersome. In Arrow that is referred to as .
A normal chain of operations could look like this:
request.getHeader(Headers.AUTHORIZATION) ÌýÌý.toEither() ÌýÌý.flatMap { header -> ÌýÌýÌýÌýheader.extractToken() ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý.flatMap { jwt -> ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýverifier ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý.verify(jwt) ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý.map { token -> ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýSecurityContextHolder.getContext().authentication = token ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý} ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý} ÌýÌý}
We can get rid of the nested syntax, and make it look like this:
Either.fx { ÌýÌýÌýÌýval (header) = request.getHeader(Headers.AUTHORIZATION).toEither() ÌýÌýÌýÌýval (jwt) = header.extractToken() ÌýÌýÌýÌýval (token) = verifier.verify(jwt) ÌýÌýÌýÌýSecurityContextHolder.getContext().authentication = token }
I find this easier to read, similar to the async/await syntax for JavaScript promises.
Appendix: A built-in solution
Since Kotlin 1.3, there has been a built-in way of dealing with computations that can fail. It is theResult
class, which is typically used in a runCatching
runCatching { ÌýÌýÌýÌýmethodThatMightThrow() }.getOrElse { ex -> ÌýÌýÌýÌýdealWithTheException(ex) }
This class can't be used as a return type yet, so we can't use it for our interface. Moreover,
integrates nicely with all the other functionality provided by Arrow. In future articles, I plan to write in more detail about other things that you can do with it, such as converting it to an Option
or chaining multiple calls in more complex examples.Ìý
is a great way to make the error handling in your code more explicit. Interfaces are clearer about what a call can actually return. Moreover, you can safely chain multiple operations, knowing that if something goes wrong along the way, the computation will short circuit. This is especially useful if you are running data pipelines as a batch operation. There you may not want to bail out on the first error, but rather run the batch in full while accumulating errors and successes.Making the code more explicit reduces the amount of context that you need to keep in your head, which in turn makes the code easier to understand. Kotlin, combined with Arrow, works beautifully to enable this approach with a lightweight syntax that brings concepts from the functional world in a way that is easy and convenient to use.
Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the positions of ºÚÁÏÃÅ.