Decidimos mover o de volta ao anel Experimente para ilustrar que n?o o consideramos mais a abordagem padr?o para gerenciamento de estado em aplica??es React. Nossa experi¨ºncia mostra que o Redux ainda ¨¦ um framework valioso em muitos casos, mas comparado a outras abordagens, ele leva a um c¨®digo mais detalhado e dif¨ªcil de seguir. A inclus?o do geralmente aumenta esse problema. Como alternativa, voc¨º em geral pode usar os recursos das vers?es recentes do React para gerenciar o estado de maneira eficaz sem um framework adicional. No entanto, queremos destacar que quando voc¨º atinge o ponto em que sua solu??o de gerenciamento de estado simples come?a a se tornar complexa, pode valer a pena recorrer ao Redux ou talvez ao rec¨¦m-publicado pelo Facebook, Recoil.
With the increasing complexity of single-page JavaScript applications, we have seen a more pressing need to make client-side state management predictable. , with its of restrictions for updating state, has proven to be invaluable in a number of projects we have implemented. and tutorials are a good starting point for new and experienced users. Its minimal library design has spawned a rich set of tools, and we encourage you to check out the project for examples, middleware and utility libraries. We also particularly like the testability story: Dispatching actions, state transitions and rendering can be unit-tested separately from one another and with minimal amounts of mocking.
With the increasing complexity of single-page JavaScript applications, we have seen a more pressing need to make client-side state management predictable. , with its of restrictions for updating state, has proven to be invaluable in a number of projects we have implemented. and tutorials are a good starting point for new and experienced users. Its minimal library design has spawned a rich set of tools, and we encourage you to check out the project for examples, middleware and utility libraries. We also particularly like the testability story: Dispatching actions, state transitions and rendering can be unit-tested separately from one another and with minimal amounts of mocking.
is a great, mature tool that has helped many of our teams reframe how they think about managing state in client-side apps. Using a Flux-style approach, it enables a loosely coupled state-machine architecture that's easy to reason about. We've found it a good companion to some of our favored JavaScript frameworks, such as Ember and React.