No ano passado, vimos a Engenharia de Caos passar de uma ideia muito comentada para se tornar uma abordagem aceita e estabelecida para melhorar e assegurar a resili¨ºncia de sistemas distribu¨ªdos. ? medida que organiza??es pequenas e grandes come?am a implementar a Engenharia de Caos como um processo operacional, estamos aprendendo como aplicar essas t¨¦cnicas com seguran?a em escala. A abordagem definitivamente n?o ¨¦ para todo mundo e, para ser efetiva e segura, requer suporte organizacional em escala. A aceita??o por parte da ind¨²stria e a expertise dispon¨ªvel definitivamente aumentar?o com a apari??o de servi?os comerciais, como Gremlin, e ferramentas de deployment, como Spinnaker, implementando algumas ferramentas de engenharia de caos.
In previous editions of the Radar, we've talked about using Chaos Monkey from Netflix to test how a running system is able to cope with outages in production by randomly disabling instances and measuring the results. Chaos Engineering is the nascent term for the wider application of this technique. By running experiments on distributed systems in production, we're able to build confidence that those systems work as expected under turbulent conditions. A good place to start understanding this technique is the website.
In previous editions of the Radar, we've talked about using Chaos Monkey from Netflix to test how a running system is able to cope with outages in production by randomly disabling instances and measuring the results. Chaos Engineering is the nascent term for the wider application of this technique. By running experiments on distributed systems in production, we're able to build confidence that those systems work as expected under turbulent conditions. A good place to start understanding this technique is the website.