在我们的社区中已经成为一个值得信赖且备受喜爱的成功的前端框架。虽然还有其他被广泛采用的同类型产物,比如 React.js,但简明的础笔滨设计、职责清晰的指令及模块(一个模块对应一个文件的设定)和更简单的状态管理,都让痴耻别.箩蝉成为有力的竞争者。
In the ever-changing world of front-end JavaScript frameworks, one of the emerging favorites appears to be . Vue.js is a lightweight alternative to AngularJS. It is designed to be a very flexible—and a less opinionated—library that offers a set of tools for building interactive web interfaces around concepts such as modularity, components and reactive data flow. It has a low learning curve, which makes it interesting for less experienced developers and beginners. Note, though, that Vue.js is not a full-blown framework; it is focused on the view layer only and therefore is easy to integrate with other libraries or existing projects.
In the ever-changing world of front-end JavaScript frameworks, has gained a lot of ground as a lightweight alternative to AngularJS. It is designed to be a very flexible—and a less opinionated—library that offers a set of tools for building interactive web interfaces around concepts like modularity, components and reactive data flow. It has a low learning barrier, which makes it interesting for junior developers and beginners. Vue.js itself is not a full-blown framework; it is focused on the view layer only and therefore is easy to integrate with other libraries or existing projects.