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Apache Mesos

更新于 : Mar 29, 2017
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Mar 2017
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We've continued to have positive experiences deploying the platform to manage cluster resources for highly distributed systems. Mesos abstracts out underlying computing resources such as CPU and storage, aiming to provide efficient utilization while maintaining isolation. Mesos includes for distributed and fault-tolerant execution of scheduled jobs, and for orchestrating long-running processes in containers.

Nov 2016
试验 ?

We've continued to have positive experiences deploying the platform to manage cluster resources for highly distributed systems. Mesos abstracts out underlying computing resources such as CPU and storage, aiming to provide efficient utilization while maintaining isolation. Mesos includes for distributed and fault-tolerant execution of scheduled jobs, and for orchestrating long-running processes in containers.

Apr 2016
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is a platform that abstracts out underlying computing resources to make it easier to build massively scalable distributed systems. It can be used to provide a scheduling layer for , or to act as an abstraction layer to things like AWS. Twitter has used it to great effect to help it scale its infrastructure. Tools built on top of Mesos are starting to appear, such as , which is a distributed, fault-tolerant cron replacement. Prominent success stories are appearing, such as rearchitecting to use Mesos.

Nov 2015
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May 2015
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is a platform that abstracts out underlying computing resources to make it easier to build massively scalable distributed systems. It can be used to provide a scheduling layer for Docker, or to act as an abstraction layer to things like AWS. Twitter has used it to great effect to help them scale their infrastructure. Tools build on top of Mesos are starting to appear such as , which is a distributed, fault tolerant cron replacement.

Jan 2015
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发布于 : Jan 28, 2015



