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更新于 : Nov 07, 2016
这一条目不在当前版本的技术雷达中。如果它出现在最近几期中,那么它很有可能仍然具有相关参考价值。如果这一条目出现在更早的雷达中,那么它很有可能已经不再具有相关性,我们的评估将不再适用于当下。很遗憾我们没有足够的带宽来持续评估以往的雷达内容。 了解更多
Nov 2016
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The emerging Containers as a Service (CaaS) space is seeing a lot of movement and provides a useful option between basic IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) and more opinionated PaaS (Platform as a Service). While creates less noise than some other players, we have enjoyed the simplicity that it brings to running Docker containers in production. It can run stand-alone as a full solution or in conjunction with tools like Kubernetes.

Apr 2016
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Nov 2015
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is an open source solution that allows deployment of containers into a cluster of machines, which is becoming an increasingly common scenario. It provides services such lifecycle management, monitoring, health checks and discovery. Also included is a completely containerized operating system based on . The broad focus on containerization and very small footprint are key advantages for Rancher. A similar solution in this space is Kubernetes.

发布于 : Nov 10, 2015



