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更新于 : May 15, 2018
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May 2018
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WeChat , often seen as a WhatsApp equivalent, is becoming the de facto business platform in China. Many people may not know but WeChat is also one of the most popular online payment platforms. With the app's built-in CMS and membership management, small businesses are now conducting their commerce entirely on WeChat. Through the Service Account feature, large organizations can interface their internal system to their employees. Given that more than 70 percent of Chinese people are using WeChat, it's an important consideration for businesses that want to expand into the China market.

Nov 2017
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WeChat , often seen as a WhatsApp equivalent, is becoming the de facto business platform in China. Many people may not know but WeChat is also one of the most popular online payment platforms. With the app's built-in CMS and membership management, small businesses are now conducting their commerce entirely on WeChat. Through the Service Account feature, large organizations can interface their internal system to their employees. Given that more than 70 percent of Chinese people are using WeChat, it's an important consideration for businesses that want to expand into the China market.

发布于 : Nov 30, 2017



