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更新于 : Mar 16, 2012
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Mar 2012
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Improving the interactions and relationship between development and IT operations gives us more effective delivery and production systems that are more stable and maintainable. Creating a DevOps culture requires attention to team organization, work practices, reporting lines, and incentives - leading to joint responsibility for faster and safer delivery. We recommend adopting DevOps because we cannot see any situation where attention in this area will not have a positive benefit.
Jul 2011
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Jan 2011
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The DevOps movement continues to gain traction as people pay more attention to the often-broken relationship between development and operations. DevOps promotes closer collaboration and joint responsibility between development and operations. DevOps applies agile practices to operations processes such as provisioning, change management and production monitoring and also brings productionlike thinking, tools and environments to development. DevOps is a key underpinning for organizations wanting to achieve continuous delivery of application releases into production.
Aug 2010
评估 ?
DevOps is a new movement seeking to achieve the business need for rapid delivery of software products while maintaining the stability of live environments. It uses two approaches: first, promoting closer collaboration between development and operations; second, applying practices shared with agile (collaboration, automation, simplicity, etc) to operations processes such as provisioning, change management, and production monitoring. It encompasses culture, processes, and tools - all supporting better communication, faster feedback and delivery, and more predictable outcomes.
发布于 : Aug 31, 2010



