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更新于 : May 19, 2020
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May 2020
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流水线即代码 技术强调,用于构建、测试和部署我们应用程序或基础设施的交付流水线配置,都应以代码形式展现。这些代码应置于版本控制系统中,并切分成包含自动化测试和部署的可复用组件。随着组织逐渐演变为构建或微前端的去中心化自治团队,人们越来越需要以代码形式管理流水线这种工程实践,来保证组织内部构建和部署软件的一致性。这种需求使得业界出现了很多交付流水线模板和工具,它们可以以标准的方式构建、部署服务和应用。这些工具用大多采用声明式交付流水线的形式,采用一个流水线蓝图,来执行一个交付生命周期中不同阶段的任务,如构建、测试和部署,而不用关心实现细节。以代码形式来完成构建、测试和部署流水线的能力,应该成为选择颁滨/颁顿工具的评估标准之一。

Mar 2017
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Teams are pushing for automation across their environments(testing), including their development infrastructure. Pipelines as code is defining the deployment pipeline through code instead of configuring a running CI/CD tool. LambdaCD, , GoCD and Concourse are examples that allow usage of this technique. Also, configuration automation tools for CI/CD systems like can be used to treat the deployment pipeline as code—versioned and tested.

Nov 2016
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Teams are pushing for automation across their environments, including their development infrastructure. Pipelines as code is defining the deployment pipeline through code instead of configuring a running CI/CD tool. LambdaCD, , GoCD and Concourse are examples that allow usage of this technique. Also, configuration automation tools for CI/CD systems like can be used to treat the deployment pipeline as code—versioned and tested.

发布于 : Nov 07, 2016



