是一个开源的分布式追踪系统。类似于 Zipkin,它的灵感来自于谷歌的 论文,并且遵循 OpenTelemetry 规范。我们在 Kubernetes 上成功的将 Istio 和 与 Jaeger 集成,并且很喜欢 Jaeger 的 。Jaeger 暴露了 Prometheus 格式的追踪指标,以便其他工具使用它。然而,新一代的工具,如Honeycomb,将追踪和度量集成到单个可观测性流中以支持更简单的聚合分析。Jaeger 在2017年加入了,并且最近被提升到 CNCF 的最高成熟度级别,这表明它已被广泛部署到生产系统中。
is an open source distributed tracing system. Similar to Zipkin, it's been inspired by the Google paper and complies with . Jaeger is a younger open source project than Zipkin, but it's gained popularity quickly due to a larger number of supported languages for the client libraries and easy installation on Kubernetes. We've used Jaeger successfully with Istio, integrating application traces with on Kubernetes, and like its . With Jaeger joining , we anticipate a larger community engagement effort and deeper integration with other CNCF projects.